News: 3oth Site Visitor to Be Honored
It be the mayor! How's this for a contest:
The 3oth visitor to our lovely town's lovely website (blog) will be honored with the key to the city in the form of a giant ceremonial-sized key that doesn't actually open any of the towns many, many locks. Hear that, everyone? Excited yet? Here's how to claim your prize: If you visit this site and the counter reads 30, add a comment on this post with your email address and we'll figure out a way to get you that big, cardboard key. Let the race begin!
-Jackie F. Gustafson
I see we have our number 30, but no one has made themselves known. If you don't want to publish your email address, I understand. Here's what you can do: email our administator by clicking the "advertise here" button on the upper right of the page. Of course, i have no way of prooving that you are truly the 3oth visitor, so the key will go to the first person to email with "thirty rules" in the subject line. Go!
Hey, we just fixed it so ANYONE can comment. Maybe THAT was the problem.
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