

News: Another World Record Attempt

It's me, the Mayor. Show your love. I'm thrillder than a peacock on Christmas this morning. Why? Because we did it! Did what? We got in the record books--hopefully.

My boyfriend, Trent (pictured, on right) and his bro, Donald, made a play for the Guiness Book last night for making the World's Largest Silly Putty Transfer. Using a couple hundred eggs of Silly Putty and a huge blown-up Glamour Shot of your's truly, these guys put our quiet little town on the map once and for all!

As you can see, a pretty good crowd was on hand to witness history for themselves. The transer was a glorious sight to behold, if I do say so myself. Now it's just up to the Guiness folks to give us the high sign and Sunlit Falls' acheivement will be in black and white right up there next to the weirdo who spins all the basketballs and those fat twins on motorcycles.

Keep your fingers crossed.
